Liste des politiques actives

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Privacy Policy Politique de confidentialité Tous les utilisateurs


This is the privacy policy for EUROSAI ITWG Moodle site, outlining our data processing principles.

Politique complète

By creating an account to the EUROSAI ITWG Moodle you agree that the data provided on the form is processed by the National Audit Office of Estonia (NAOE) for facilitating e-learning and correspondence with participants. You may wish to also get acquainted with the NAOE's privacy policy.

NAOE is the data controller of the personal information we collect about you (i.e., the entity that determines the means and purposes of collecting, using, and disclosing the personal information). EUROSAI ITWG Moodle is hosted by Autotech Development Sweden AB (data processor).

Personal data collected includes username, name, e-mail address, country and city (optional).

NAOE is committed to ensuring that the information collected and used is appropriate for this purpose. The NAOE is responsible for processing the information you provide in accordance with the the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

NAOE will process different forms of personal data for as long as is necessary and proportionate for the purpose for which it has been supplied and will store the personal data for the shortest amount of time possible, considering legal and service requirements.

The NAOE implements relevant organisational, technical, and physical measures for protecting personal data. When communicating data to data processor, the confidentiality and security requirements are set out in the contracts between the data controller and processor.

By consenting to this privacy notice you are giving us permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified.